
Holyboy Road

"One of the most unique sounds to come out of Minnesota ever, blending several genres of modern music."

Pat Evans, KARE-11 News
"Midnight Tea is a great band who's had a lot of success."

White Bear Press I
You can't read this article because the White Bear Press is scared of big, bad 
Midnight Tea.
"The sound appeals to the Generation-X crowd. Any lovers of Pearl Jam or Stone Temple Pilots will appreciate the heavy bass line and unique vocals."

White Bear Press II

You can't read this article because the White Bear Press is scared of big, bad 
Midnight Tea.
"Midnight Tea will perform on Saturday. They recently released their first CD "Time" and are receiving national airplay for their single 
"No One's Ever Loved You More Than I".

White Bear Press III
You can't read this article because the White Bear Press is scared of big, bad 
Midnight Tea.
"MIDNIGHT TEA, composed of three White Bear Lake residents, will perform jazz, blues and alternative rock at Marketfest on Thursday."

Best Buy
A two-page advertisement for Best Buy in the May 13th, 1998 issue of City Pages.

WOUI 89.9 FM
"I recently heard your song "Don't Run Away" from your album Time. Needless to say, it caught my interest."

Deanna Kelly, Zone105
"Midnight Tea, a good band worth catching!"

©1999-2008, Midnight Tea. All Rights Reserved

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