Drums & Vocals
Miguel Has a Video Production Company called Hidden Padre Productions. Miguel is trying to
take over the world, but like everything it takes time. So, new plan: album #2, movie and THEN take over the world. Keep on keepin’ on.
Alejandro Campbell
Lead Vocals, Bass & Songwriter
Alejandro plays bass guitar, harmonica, guitar, and sings lead vocals. God has played a huge part of Alex's life, which he conveys through his lyrics. Inspired by his family, Alex's motto in life is "Never give up!". He is responsible for the art work which you see on this site and the albums. You can catch more of his work at
Ward Nelson
Guitar, Violin, Vocals
Ward is a first-degree black belt in karate and master of his own domain. Ward is responsible for bringing Midnight Tea's well known Irish sound to Midnight Tea. Since joining the band the remark "Crazy Scottish Mexican's!" was put into existents. He plays guitar and violin and was a sergeant in the US Army. Ward has played the violin since the age of five! By the way, Ward also makes big knives....real big knives..... I mean big and sharp!
©1999-2008, Midnight Tea. All Rights Reserved